iOS 11, iPhone's Calculator Destroyed!

The new operating system version of Apple's problems, iOS 11, caused the calculator on the iPhone not to work.
Starting on September 19, iOS 11 continues to make interesting mistakes with users. The last error is that the calculator is performing very simple additions with erroneous results.

In this line, which a Reddit user has detected, the calculator calculates 23 or 24 instead of 6 as the result of 1 + 2 + 3. The result may be correct only if the addition is done a little slower. Redditor says that the collection of this error is happening at a time when it is done quickly.

We would like to say that the only error in iOS 11 is limited to calculator, but unfortunately this is not the case. Users also complain about the battery performance of their device, and the frequent collapse and frost of applications.

Note that these mistakes are not on the next generation phones (though I am using the iPhone 7 Plus and have made updates, but I am still experiencing some interesting mistakes in WhatsApp I use often), as seen in the iPhone 5s, 6 and 6 Plus models.

As all these errors are the result of some software bottleneck, the next updates will ensure that these errors are eliminated.


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